Vegan Spring Raw Quiche

All of a sudden the days are feeling longer, the sun is a providing a little more heat, you start noticing locally grown asparagus popping up in stores and you start happily blowing kisses to any random passerby on the street. In other words you are starting to catch the excitement of spring and – how else to say this – you are feeling a little French!

Well nothing fits the mood more than a Spring Quiche that is both raw and vegan – and just in case you have suddenly realised it is almost 10 months since you made those New Years resolutions and summer is imminently approaching, this healthy recipe with have you covered!

This Vegan Spring Raw Quiche is a highly adaptable recipe, meaning you can add any veggies you wish. It also does require a little patience due to the long dehydrating times, but it is a fun recipe to make and is a great thing to do on the weekend (make enough to keep you going through the week) or for a special dinner party.

If you are a raw foodie or vegan you will love the intense umami flavour of this dish that is much harder to achieve with these dietary restrictions and equally this dish tastes yummy to anyone of any dietary tribe.


Vegan Spring Raw Quiche

Vegan Spring Raw Quiche Ingredients (serves 4)



  • 200g cherry tomatoes (4 cherry tomatoes per tart)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 8 sprigs thyme
  • ½ tsp salt & pepper
  • ½ tsp pepper

Caramelised Onion:

  • 1 red onion
  • 1 tbsp coconut blossom nectar
  • ½ tsp sea salt


Vegan Spring Raw Quiche Method:


  • Put all of the ingredients into a blender and whiz until it reaches a super fine consistency.


  • Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and throw into a mixing bowl.
  • Cut the garlic as finely as possible (into a paste if possible) and throw into the mixing bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix them together thoroughly and leave to marinade while you prepare the other ingredients.

Caramelized Onion:

  • Cut the red onion into thin rings and mix with the coconut nectar and salt. You can be quite rough and even squeeze the onion a little. You will notice that the nectary juices will start coming out – this is what you will use to baste the quiche later.


  • Grate the zucchini and then take handfuls and squeeze the juices/water out into the sink. Do this as hard as you can.


  • Now pour some more of the cashew base mixture, starting around the sides of the time where the ‘crust’ will be and then over the tomatoes, onion and zucchini filling.
  • Next put a few rings of the caramelized onion on top of the zucchini and then place four of the cherry tomato halves (along with some of the thyme and garlic) evenly on top of the zucchini and onion.
  • The zucchini should be a dome in the middle of the tart tin that reaches just under the height of the tart tin sides. It is ok to have more filling in the middle, as this will sag a little when once dehydrated.
  • Pour a little of the cashew base into the bottom of an 11cm non-stick tart case so that the bottom is covered in about ½ cm of mixture.
  • Grab 2/3 of the grated and squeezed zucchini and divide into 4 and place into the middle of the tin. Placement is important here so you will have a ‘crust’ of cashew base around the edge, which will not only make the dish look nice, but will add extra texture and crunch once dehydrated.
  • The mixture will now have nearly filled the tart tin to the top with a bulge in the middle. You can bang the tart cases on the bench to to even it out – or use you hands or a spatula to do this if this work better for you.
  • Now place some more rings of onion in the middle of the quiche again leaving space around the edges. Place another four cherry tomato halves (along with the thyme and garlic) and then put the asparagus spear (cut to length) in the center.
  • Spoon over a tablespoon or two of the caramelized onion juice over each quiche and then drizzle with a little olive oil.
  • Place in a dehydrator at 45°C for 24 hours before removing from the non-stick tart tin to dehydrate further and flipping the quiche upside down to dehydrate for a further 24 hours.
  • You can then flip the quiche the right way up and dehydrate from anything up to a couple of hours to another 24 hours until the quiche has firmed up. The time that you dehydrate may vary a lot. Just press lightly with you finger to see if it has firmed up in the middle to see if it is done. You do want it to be a little gooey in the middle.
  • You can use your oven set on its lowest temp to do this if you don’t have a dehydrator.



3 Replies to “Vegan Spring Raw Quiche”

  1. Leela says:

    Can you bake this at a higher temperature (oven) for a shorter time and still acheive a similar result?

    1. Hello Leela,

      Good question. TBH I haven’t tried baking these in an oven, but I am pretty certain that you could definitely do this.
      Although you would probably have to cook on a very low temperature for quite some time (maybe 120°C for 4-6 hours). Also a fan setting in the oven would.

      The reason for this is that you are looking to get the moisture out of this quiche to get the cashew/linseed mixture to set, unlike a normal quiche which contains eggs (which set once they reach a temperate over 65°C). Also obviously it would no longer be raw.

      Would love to hear how you get on if you try?

  2. Pingback: Vegan Raw Caramelised Onion Tart - ROAR

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