RECIPE: Mediterranean Martini (alcohol free optional)

I like to think of this recipe for a Mediterranean martini as ‘the clean man’s dirty martini’. This martini has flavours so covert that it would even make James Bond 007 proud.

You would never guess that this drink contains the refreshing, yet complex, flavours of cucumber and tomato with its crystal clear colour. And the amazing Mediterranean triumvirate of cucumber, tomato and basil can surely match the majestic olive in offering a match made marriage with gin or vodka (if alcohol is your poison – otherwise this drink is equally tasty done virgin style!). It is refreshing and subtle enough to suit those that dislike their martinis dirty. Yet this is not to say that the dirtiest of cocktail enthusiasts won’t be intrigued.

This special technique of making tomato and cucumber juice and pairing it with basil will – as previously mentioned – actually satisfy the ‘virgin’ drinker as well. So if you are not in the mood for a naughty alcoholic drink, this recipe with equally satisfy and quench the palate and a hot summer’s day served virgin style.

So get out your tuxedos and dinner dresses, slap on some sunscreen, roll up your hems and get into a classy summer vide with this refreshing drink. Be prepared to be both shaken AND stirred by how good it is!



Ingredients (serves 1):

  •  1/3 telegraph cucumber
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 shot gin or vodka – depending on your taste (optional)
  • 1 shot dry vermouth (optional)
  • 1 basil leaf
  • ice


Peel your cucumber and juice it along with the tomato. It would probably pay to make a large batch of this juice. It tastes delicious anyway, and you are probably going to want more than one of these drinks.

Strain the juice through a muslin cloth or clean tea towel. This will remove all of the colour from the juice yet maintain all of its flavour. This is what makes this drink so surprising.

Pour in the gin or vodka and vermouth along with the cucumber and tomato juice into a shaker filled with ice. Use a jar if you don’t have a shaker. Shake vigourously. Of course you could just stir instead of shake the drink – but trust James Bond – a martini is better shaken not stirred!

Strain the drink so as not to get any ice in the drink and serve in a martini glass.

Put the basil leaf in your hand and clap you two hands together i.e. smashing your basil leaf to help release the flavour. Put the smashed basil leaf in with your Mediterranean martini.

If you want to serve this drink without any alcohol just leave it out and follow the rest of the steps exactly the same – you can also add a dash of lemon juice and olive brine for an added bite to take place of alcohol.



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